Another day came with another project.
This one involved creating an object that was
A) A piece of fruit, and
B) a brooch
all made using office stationary!
After spending a ridiculous amount of time browsing the aisles of officeworks, I finally found myself walking out with a mixed array of office regulars...
Some black board pins, white out, green post it notes, exercise books... the lot!
A quick trip to my fridge was where I was heading next, to pry out my fruity victim for investigation.
Following a nasty bite on an apple which had definately seen better days, I knew I had been foolish in my choice the minute I landed my eyes on the sweet, modest and ever so flavoursome kiwi fruit. This guy didn't let me down, I knew I had made the right choice.
A bit of doodling in my folio followed soon after, examining all aspects of the delectable kiwi, especially focusing on the beautiful vibrancy and variety of greens evident underneath it's skin.
The mood of the lime green inside the kiwi was one element I really wanted to capture within my piece, also investigating the black seeds, and copious amounts of juice that seeps out when you attempt you dig your teaspoon into one.
Abstracting the form a little to appear more of an unusual sort of juice bubble, I incorporated, to me, what seemed like key elements, finally resulting with this:
Black board pins (also serving as small hooks on the back side of the brooch to attach it to your clothing), white card, cardboard and lime plastic from an exercise book, white exercise book binding wire and an elastic band.