Monday, March 22, 2010

So I see you've played knifey-spoony before...

For our task this week we were instructed to bring in a random material, as long as it came in multiples! My choice: Lime coloured plastic party cutlery! - the stuff mum gives you as a kid to take to school so you don't go tossing out all her good spoons.

Above are a few images of my fiddly little attempts to make models using solely the cutlery and heavy duty super glue (ew, nasty stuff). I enjoyed working with the plastic and loved the vibrant colour, although they proved to be a bit of a challenge to manipulate as they were quite brittle, limiting my models slightly. So after a good play around, with small pieces of plastic ricocheting off each wall, I was left with few options... snapping, arranging and gluing!

I then progressed to creating a wearable piece, a neckpiece constructed from plastic knifes glued into triangle arrangements of varying sizes and interlinked. Due to my crappy glue, the piece needs to be re-worked, but here are some basic photos so you can see what I'm on about...

Stay tuned for the final piece!

Exquisite Corps

What fun! Who remembers this game from when you were a kid? You know, you fold the paper over into sections to divide up different parts, draw a head, pass it on, the next person draws a torso, passes it on... etc etc etc, well we got to do it in class, but this time with a bit of a twist. Each of us brought in 3 items, and were told to sketch a third of each item, eventually forming something that may look like a head, torso and legs - although slightly more abstract.
My corps is formed out of a crystal perfume bottle head, toothbrush handle torso, and some kind of wooden debris from the beach acting as little feet.

Hello week one!

Week one... our introduction to our first class of Small Object Ideation with our lovely tutor, Miss Natalia Milosz - Piekarska. Our first task, 'cut-up poetry beasts' involved selecting 5 adjectives at random out of a hat, which would then become the defining traits of a type of 'beast' or oddball thing that we were to then draw.

My turn to pop my hand in and pull out my lucky five, and i found myself with: moist, misty, bold, stretched and shimmering.
An hour or so later, and this is what came out....

I wouldn't exactly call it a beast... in fact I have no idea what you would call this!? Some sort of energy orb? Anyyyyway... i tried my best to fit in all 5 adjectives.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hi All!
Finally, after a decent session with the old help tab, I have finally sat myself down ready for my very first date with Just like any first date, i am slightly apprehensive and a bit lost for words... but I guess we're all in the same boat at one point, right?

As of two weeks ago I am a uni student; a life of verrry little money and big dreams, embarking on a three year journey into the world of Gold and Silversmithing - all very new to me, that's for sure! Two weeks in and I've blow torched, riveted, and forged my way around until my arms have practically fallen off, but here I hope to share with you some of my inspirations and my beginning works in progress as a newbie on the scene, which i pray will one day look as good as some of the ones I'll be posting up. Nothing wrong with dreaming a little!

Very soon I will post some images of beautiful works by various jewellery designers and random sources of inspiration for a bit of food for thought. This sort of stuff always gets the ball rolling for me for new ideas and a bit of motivation, keep posted!