Monday, March 22, 2010

Hello week one!

Week one... our introduction to our first class of Small Object Ideation with our lovely tutor, Miss Natalia Milosz - Piekarska. Our first task, 'cut-up poetry beasts' involved selecting 5 adjectives at random out of a hat, which would then become the defining traits of a type of 'beast' or oddball thing that we were to then draw.

My turn to pop my hand in and pull out my lucky five, and i found myself with: moist, misty, bold, stretched and shimmering.
An hour or so later, and this is what came out....

I wouldn't exactly call it a beast... in fact I have no idea what you would call this!? Some sort of energy orb? Anyyyyway... i tried my best to fit in all 5 adjectives.

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